Sara CochranProprietor
Sara is a full-time professional genealogist with over twenty-five years of research experience. Her research has taken her into nearly every State in the USA and Ireland, Italy, Austria, and Britain. She holds a Boston University Genealogical Research Certificate, a Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science, and is an alumnus of the ProGen Study Group. She especially enjoys breaking down brick walls for her clients, discovering the stories of black sheep ancestors, and helping individuals preserve their photographic legacy. She is currently the Registrar for the Aurantia [Riverside] Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and volunteers at the National Archives, Riverside office.
No OMPF? No Problem!
Researching 20th Century veterans is especially difficult as a fire destroyed millions of Official Military Personnel Files in 1973. This class will look at other ways to find the stories of the WWI and WII veterans in our families.
Visit the hosting society website to sign up!