General Research
Ideal for when you’re stumped on an individual or family unit. Or, for when you know what you need in general but aren’t sure of the specifics yet.

Record Look-Ups
When you already know what you need already and just need it retrieved. Obituaries, marriage announcements, copies from local yearbooks and city directories, and more!

Looking for a speaker for your next Society Meeting? I present on a number of Genealogical topics. See the current list here!

Lineage Society Applications
Whether you are seeking to join a lineage society or working on supplemental applications to prove additional ancestors, I can assist with research to prove the line and prepare the application.
Negative Findings are a Positive Result
By Sara Cochran |
Recently, I hired a researcher to look for my ancestor in the records of a particular “orphan train” organization. This […]
25 March
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
26 March
12:00 pm - 1:30 pm
08 April
7:00 am - 8:30 am
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